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Overview of Procedures

ページID:0001092 更新日:2023年12月27日更新 印刷ページ表示

[English] [Português]

Compilation of Procedures and Certificates

Resident Affairs Division

Resident Affairs Division
Moving In Moving into Minokamo from other cities or abroad
Moving Out Moving out of Minokamo to other cities or abroad
Change of Address Change of address within Minokamo City
Birth Notification After giving birth to a child in Japan
Death Notification Notification of death in Japan
Marriage Notification When getting married
Divorce Notification When getting divorced
Personal Seal (inkan) Registration / Certification Personal Seal (Inkan) – related services
My Number Card Individual Number

Child Affairs Division

Child Affairs Division
Child Allowance Child Support
Child Support Allowance
Special Child Support Allowance
Current Status Report’ for Child Allowances
Nursery Admission Application When you need to put your child in daycare

School Education Division & Educational Affairs Division

School Education Division & Educational Affairs Division
Procedures for Enrollment When you want to put your child in public elementary/junior high schools
Procedures for Transferring Schools When your child is transferring between schools
School Expenses Support Support for a portion of necessary school expenses

Health Care Division

Health Care Division
Issuance of Maternal & Child Health Handbook To record pregnancy, childbirth, child checkups, and vaccinations
Health Checkups Health Checkups for Children
Vaccinations Available vaccinations administered by the City

National Health Insurance & Pension Division

National Health Insurance & Pension Division
Medical Care for the Elderly When moving out of or moving into the prefecture, when changing addresses within the prefecture, when receiving Public Assistance, when the insured person dies, when the national health insurance card is lost
Medical Care Premiums When medical expenses have been paid in full upfront and need to be reimbursed
High-Cost Medical Expense When medical expenses in one month has exceeded the (patient liability) ceiling amount
Enrollment in National Pension Under the law, all residents of Japan must enroll and pay the national pension.
Application Exemption For those having a hard time paying the national pension contributions due to having a low income, loss of employment, or having a hard time making ends meet since coming to Japan.
Receiving Pension Old Age Basic Pension, Disability Basic Pension, Survivor Basic Pension, Lump-sum Payment to the Family of the Deceased, Lump-Sum Withdrawal Payments for Short-term Foreign Residents
Enrollment in National Health Insurance When moving in from other cities, when becoming ineligible for employees’ health insurance, upon loss of enrollment as a dependent in employees’ health insurance, when giving birth to a child, when no longer receiving public assistance
Withdrawal from the National Health Insurance When moving out of Minokamo to other cities, when enrolling into employees’ health insurance, when becoming a dependent in an employees’ health insurance, when the insured person dies, when receiving public assistance
Changes in Health Insurance, Reissuance of Insurance Card, etc. When changing addresses within cities, when separating from or joining a household, when there’s a change in the head of household, when there’s a change in name, or when the national health insurance card is lost
Childbirth Lump-Sum Allowance When an insured person gives birth
Funeral Expenses When an insured person dies
Traffic Accidents For injury/damages during road accidents

Elderly Welfare Division

Elderly Welfare Division
Request Form for the Accreditation of the Need for Long-term Care or Assistance To receive long-term care services

Welfare Division

Welfare Division
Medical Welfare Card for Infants and Children Medical expense support for infants and children, severely disabled persons, single mothers and their children, single fathers and their children, etc.
Medical Welfare Card for Single Mothers
Medical Welfare Card for Single Fathers
Medical Welfare Card for Persons with Severe Disabilities
Issuance of Disability Booklet A booklet that records the disability of the person, and makes it easier to receive various services

Environment Division

Environment Division
Dog Registration When keeping a pet dog
Changes in Pet Registration Information When there are changes in dog registration information
Application for Rabies Vaccination Tag When a dog is vaccinated but has not received a vaccination tag
Pet Cremation To dispose of a pet’s remains safely
Dog Death Notification When a pet dog dies

Tax Administration Division

Tax Administration Division
Residential Tax Declaration Form When declaring residential tax for income earned in the previous year
Income Tax Certificate For use in various applications
Tax Payment Certificate For use in various applications


Application to Move in to Municipal Housing When you want to move to a municipal housing
Application to Join the Neighborhood Association When you want to join a neighborhood association